Eventnet Systems
Point of Sale Systems - Cashless Events
As cash becomes more expencive
to handle, and insurance becomes harder to obtain,
Eventnet System's cashless Point of Sale system
makes excelent sence.
Using RFID Superbands,
EFTPOS terminals, Internet ticket sales and
advanced / secure Cash -> Band kiosks we
are able to offer an all in one soultion to
your problems.
Unlike paper tickets,
the band is attached to the patron, which goes
where they go, this is the same wristband that
they may of used to gain access to the event.
POS system - Value added tickets
Our value added
system works in conjunction with existing
POS methods, but enables patrons to purchase
credit at the time they purchase their
The system can be
deployed, just like our eftpos system.
Please keep an eye
out here for more changes
New systems are
constantly being designed
We have many more systems
and configurations, please feel free to contact
us to discuss your requirements.