EFTPOS Systems
Eventnet's flagship service is our EFTPOS system.
Told it could not be done, our in-house team worked on the
concept for months, coming up with what we believe is one
of the most reliable EFTPOS system on the market.
We can offer an event or festival multiple EFTPOS terminals,
located great distances apart.
- Rapid transaction speeds - Reduced waiting times
- Multiple terminals at POS locations = reduced lines and
happy clients
- Accepts Visa, Master, Bank card and Debit cards
- Redundant internet / dial-up links
- Multiple merchant numbers - EFT Funds can be sent to different
accounts, all on the same backbone
- Simple to use - The terminals used are easy to understand
- Training and manuals - We provide manuals with each installation
for operational staff
- Very portable - Installs almost anywhere
- Increased Revenue - Having EFTPOS enables your clients
greater access to funds that can be spent
- Back office server enables transactions to be monitored
and graphed
- Does not relay on GSM, GPRS or other wireless systems
Locations and events:-
The Eventnet EFTPOS system has been used in many locations
& events, some of which are listed below.
- NYE 05 - Cottslow Civic Center
- Southbound 05, 06 - Busselton Oval
- Big Day Out 05 & 06 - Claremont show grounds
- Tom & John concert - Members Equity Stadium
- Moonlight Festival - Members Equity Stadium
- Perth Royal Show 05 - Claremont Show Grounds
- Taste of Ca os 05 - Claremont Show Grounds
- Missy Higgins Concert - Supreme Court Gardens
- Joe Cocker - Kings Park, Western Australia
- Jamiroqui Concert - Supreme Ct Gardens
- Two Tribes - Supreme Court Gardens
- Summer Days 05, 06 - Supreme Court Gardens
- Il Devo - Kings Park, Western Australia
- PSC events - All ticket sales
- Motorcross, Claremont Show Grounds
For an event to be legible for Eventnet EFTPOS there are
a few requirements that must be in-place.
- Besides the obvious power requirement, we need a single
phone line or ADSL connection, both if redundancy is required.
(We can orginise both)
- A Commonwealth Bank merchant account is also required,
our terminals are currently configured for the Commonwealth
Bank, using Ingenico terminal numbers. You will need a terminal
number for each terminal.
If you would like to know more, or if its available for your
event, please contact
one of our staff.
A more detailed PDF will be available very soon